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Our approach

A tailor-made roadmap for your organization

We develop Circular Economy solutions for institutions and companies and implements them in practice.


Our approach

We develop company-specific roadmaps, including a strategy towards Circular Economy and Sustainability and a more tangible approach.

1. Analysis

Initially, a standardized approach (i.e. Gemba walk and waste scan) is used to evaluate the different workstreams, including processes, products, packaging  and production waste. 

2. Evaluation

The analysis will give insights on the companies' progress towards Circular Economy initiatives and the primary workstreams.

3. Roadmap

The tailor made roadmap is then built thanks to the analysis, internal interviews and sites visits and will consist of several individual projects. This Circular Economy roadmap provides the strategy and plan for implementing CE initiatives. It also gives insights on how to rethink value cycles and reuse resources from product, packaging and production waste in their own value creation process.

Circular Economy Projects


Optimized waste management

Sustainable packaging

Circular packaging


Product recyclability

Waste scan

Waste scan, audit & mapping

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CO2-reduction projects

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